QuestionHi John,
I have read a lot of your great information. My Land Rover has had several issues and I still love that car! My horn went out. I replaced the fuse. It was indeed blown. Now when I press the button on the steering wheel the horn has a very quiet airy sound. This leads me to believe the horn, at least the high one if there are two, which I cannot really see (I have yet to know how to remove the grill!!) will work but I do not understand what to check next, as in...where is the relay, because I believe that is the next thing I can check given instructions, etc...HELP!! Thank you so much,
AnswerHi Kathryn,
you sound like an enthusiastic LR owner. :) Even with known issues, we still enjoy the merits of these vehicles. Some say we may be blind but what else can we say...
There is just one horn but there is an alarm sounder too. I suspect you are concerned with the vehicle horn:
Blown fuse could indicates a ground short somewhere. Perhaps in the horn connection - remove and check for corrosion (a common problem with LR electrics).
Here is the text on how to remove the grill and access the horn:
Grille - front - from 03MY
1. Remove 3 scrivets securing front grille to bonnet locking platform.
2. Remove front grille.
NOTE: Do not carry out further dismantling if component is removed for access only.
3. Remove motif from front grille.
1. Clean front grille to motif mating face.
2. Fit and secure motif to front grille.
3. Fit front grille and secure with scrivets.
If you want the techsheet on this, send me an email.
[email protected]
Best of luck,