Land Rover Repair: 1999 Dicovery I - brakes issue, fine shape, special test
From time to time, most often noted when steering, and usually at low speed, such as backing out of a parking spot, or turning in to my driveway, for example; I feel a chatter in the brake pedal, and I seem to have little stopping power - for just a moment, then all is fine. I have maintained the brake system otherwise with regular pad renewal and the rotors are in fine shape. I know I need to flush and refill the fluid, as it is nearly black, but doubt that is the cause. Do you have input? Have you seen this lead to something bigger?
AnswerWhat you are describing sounds like occasional activation of the antilock system. You can check to see if the sensors are clean and seated, but if it only happens occasionally it may not really be a problem at all. A special test system is required to diagnose the ABS electronics