Land Rover Repair: noise from left front wheel, wheel bearing noise, wheel hub
QuestionQUESTION: hello john: i have a 96 rr 4.0 and after a week of rain my junkmobile started to make a noise at the front left wheel and when i get going on the road it makes a sound like a wheel bearing noise coming from the left front side and my questions are: do the front wheel bearing need to be repack with grease or it needs a new wheel hub and bearings ......... thanks
ANSWER: The hub is replaced as a complete assembly on that vehicle. The bearing is not separately serviced
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: hello again john thanks for your info: after further inspection on my RR. i put it up on jack stands and put it on drive and speed it up to 50 miles. i was not able to hear any wheel bearing noise at all. but after taking it off the jack stands and drove it, the noise came back but am not able to find where is it coming from.
it seems it only makes the noise under load and I'm able to hear it from both front sides when the windows are open. is there any other way i can inspect or test and find out where is the noise coming from: if is the hub or the cv joint.........thanks again
AnswerSometimes you just have to change a hub to be sure. At Robison Service, we see a lot of them and the guys get used to how they feel. You can often feel a bearing going bad by rollin it by hand on the lift. But with no frame of reference I don't know if you can do that yourself. Otherwise, we have no secret way to tell. The problem is that sometimes they only make noise under load. If you are correct about the noise being in the left front there is not much other source of noise. in the middle you do see differentials go bad, though. They too tend to whine under load.