Land Rover Repair: 2008 Range Rover Keyless Entry Problem, radio interference, 2008 range rover

I have a 2008 Range Rover Supercharge that I have problems with the keyless lock either not wanting to unlock the door or at times lock the door. The first time I went to the dealer they told me that I needed to bring back in both keys so they could reprogram. I did that just recently and was now told that because they couldn't duplicate it occurring to them (where it wouldn't lock or unlock the door# they couldn't fix it - they wouldn't even try to reprogram them.  They told me to use my spare key to see if it was strictly a problem with the main key #at which point they would reorder me one#. That same day of picking up the car I used the spare key and within hours I went to lock the door and it wouldn't work #had to do it manually). I left a message for the dealer but of course am not getting a call back.  I am trying to find some solutions to present to them so that when I go back in they try and fix. Thoughts?

This is one of those problem situations where an intermittent failure leaves no trace.  If you go to the dealer, and the system works, there is really nothing they can do because the central locking does not store relevant fault codes.  Therefore there is no way to tell if the problem is in the keys, the receiver, or somewhere downstream.  

I agree that the first step is reprogramming, and you need all the keys to do that.   Where it goes from there, I am not sure.  I would insist on reprogramming if they cannot replicate the problem.  At least that's a start and it rules out one thing.  I also agree with what they said - pay close attention to which key has the problem, and where?  Is it in one place, which might suggest radio interference?  Is it anywhere, but only after the truck sits an hour or two?  That could suggest a CAN problem.  Look close for any evidence to help diagnosis.