QuestionQUESTION: Hey there. The problem I'm having is over heating and loss of water.
I recently replaced the water pump and thermostat. When I purchased
the vechical someone had gutted the thermostat which I didn't know about.
After it gets up to running temp, you can hear water behind the fire wall. If you use the A/C it will use a fair amount of water in a days time. Any idea why I would be losing water? Also I have no heat!
ANSWER: Hi Anthony,
if you hear water behind your dashboard (firewall?) you have either an air lock problem within your heater matrix or the matrix is faulty. Try purging the air from your cooling system, if that fails you'll probably have to replace the matrix.
Best of luck,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for answering my question. I have to ask, how do you go about purging the system?
AnswerHi Anthony,
There are a few ways to purge air from the system:
open the reservoir cap and run the engine for awhile. Have someone rev the engine slightly while you squeeze the larger hoses to help circulate coolant and eventually the air blockage will move as well. Careful - this can get hot.
Some owners say they raise the front of the Disco to help with the coolant refill and air bleeding. Never needed to do this but you never know.
Others have installed aftermarket kits that flush the coolant and help force out air blockaages.
Kit is attached to the outlet heater hose and pressure testor could help push the air out.
There is a bleed screw on the main hose. When you were replacing the coolant after your pump repair, you would have had this plug open as you were adding coolant and up to the point where coolant started to pour out the plug opening.
Send me an email and I'll reply with the correct coolant drain and refill instructions from the workshop manual.
[email protected]