I have a few issues with my Disco II.
First, my cruise control is inop, I saw your post about vaccum lines are those a do it yourself type job?
Second my horn is inop, any thoughts?
Third 2 of my door locks will not lock or unlock after manually locking, thoughts?
Fourth, I have a suspicious rattling/knocks coming from my front end suspension. It happens while bouncing over potholes.
Thanks so much for your time.
AnswerVacuum lines for the cruise are definitely a DIY job. Look for splits and split ends.
The horn itself is probably bad, but of course it could be the relay or steering wheel contacts. get a test light and check voltage at the horns. That's step 1
If two doors do not unlock you probably need new lock actuators in those doors. $200 and 2-3 hours to install per door
There is a lot to rattle . . . check shocks bushings, suspension bushings, everything that moves.
Good luck with it all
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John Elder Robison