Land Rover Repair: 91 Discovery ignition, starter solenoid, electrical faults

Hi , I have a 91 Disco and lately every time i go to start it it it doesnt start it just makes a clicking noise like it wants to start or it will turn over and then just stop or after a couple of times it will start. I know its not the battery and its not the starter motor, im thinking its got something to do with the ignition swith or the barrel ?? are these removable ( the barrel) or could it be something else???? thankyou !

Hi Craig,

Are you absolutely sure its not the starter or starter solenoid?  Here's a website that shows you how to bench test a starter while on the vehicle.  

How about the start inhibitor switch on automatic transmission?  

Did you do a voltage test to determine if ignition wiring was the cause?  With the ignition key ON, read voltage from + side of coil and negative battery terminal.  Should be 1 volt below battery voltage total.  Same with negative side of coil.  If the voltage is lower, its the ignition switch or a short in the wiring somewhere.

I know that water damage in the footwell fusebox area can wreck havoc on the electrical harnessess.  Maybe the ignition switch 'multiplug' harness has some corrosion.

Yes, the ignition switch is removeable along with the steering column.  Tedious work and you should consult LR parts department for help with this one.  I've always had good advice from the parts counter - they'll let you know what components are interchangeable.  

If you suspect the key barrel switch, you could test the voltage on the ignition key lock solenoid.  With the key in positon II, take a reading on the orange-white wire while shifting your gears from Park (0V), RND321(battery voltage).  If you don't have this, its the barrel or the transmission range selector switch.  IF you do have this, it could be the key lock solenoid itself.

Don't you just love chasing down electrical faults?  No - and that's normal.

Best of luck with this.


Send me an email and I'll reply with the techsheet on this.
[email protected]