Land Rover Repair: 03 Freelander windshield wiper switch, wheel shaft, molex connector
QuestionDear John:
I'm having difficulty removing the windshield wiper switch on my 2003 Freelander. I've removed the plastic cowl which covers the steering wheel shaft. I've then removed the 2 small screws on the base of the windshield wiper switch. However I not able to pull free the switch to move out of its housing. Is there a clip or another screw that I'm missing? I've bought a replacement switch and I don't see where anything else would be hold this in place. This switch consists of an arm which ends in a sqaure terminal box which a molex connector is inserted. This terminal box is where I've removed the 2 screws. I hope I've explained my situation well enough.
PS: I lived in Chicopee and Westfield MA for 13 years in the 80's and early 90s'
AnswerI do not recall any special problems changing those switches except that on some models you have to pull the steering wheel to slide the switch back and then up and out. Did you know that Land Rover has a website where you can access all the dealer service information for your car on a daily subscription basis? It is In the USA it costs less than $20 for a day's access which is a real bargain considering you can view every single piece of service info for your vehicle direct from the source.
Best of luck to you with this project - it's not too hard and you can deal with the wiper switch with ordinary hand tools. However - a word of warning - if you have to remove the steering wheel shut the key off and open the hood. Let the car sit 5 minutes, then unhook the battery. Don't hook it up again until everything is done. DO NOT take the wheel off with the battery connected or you will set SRS faults that you can't clear without special gear.
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