Land Rover Repair: Intermittent driving instruments, fuel gauge, bad cluster

Hi to all, I am a relatively new Landrover owner and simply love the vehicle. It is a 2001 LR DiscoII, 4.0. The problem I have is as follows. At first start in the morning,a cold -20 morning, the speedo, tach, odo and fuel gauge do not register until the vehicle's heat begins to blow. In other words, once the vehicle warms up enough for the auto heat to start blowing all works fine. Am now wondering if the heat works correctly as it takes several minutes for the blower to kick in on "auto". Is it possible there is a "bad" connection that contracts when cold and once it becomes warm expands and makes?? Where would I begin to look for such a connection.  any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks  

First of all, the heater blower does not start until the engine is warm.  So that behavior sounds normal.  The instrument issue sounds like a bad cluster but it could be something else.  The thing is, the cluster can only be changed by a shop with the T4 or Autologic test system to program it.  If you pull the cluster and swap it otherwise you may end up with a truck that will no longer run, or has a permanent odometer problem.  So be sure whoever you choose to fix it reall has the tools and knowledge to do so.