Land Rover Repair: 2003 Discovery Exhaust, exhaust smoke, plastic hose
QuestionI was driving and noticed the engine light started flashing and then the car became sluggish like I lost a spark plug. I opened the hood and seen that a black plastic hose with a rubber hose at the end and connected to the top of the enginehad broke and exhaust was escaping but the exhaust was coming out like a lawn mower (sputtering). I had enough hose to cut the end and reinsert it into the rubber hose and clamped it, but I still feel the car being sluggish but not as bad and the engine light still flashes periodically espcially when I first drive it then it doesn't happen as much. I also noticed that at times there is a lot of exhaust smoke coming out of the tailpipe few a moments then it goes away.
AnswerBased on your description it sounds like you have a serious misfire, and you will damage your truck if you continue to drive it that way. When the check engine light flashes you are damaging the vehicle and you should never drive that way.
It's hard to tell from here what may be wrong but I certainly urge you to find a qualified Land Rover mechanic to address it.
Good luck with your repair.
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John Elder Robison