Land Rover Repair: 1995 Land Rover Heater Core, heater cores, david answer
QuestionQUESTION: My heater core has a big leak. It was recommended to be replace with 11.9 hours at $100 per hour plus $450 for the part. Does this sound correct? Are there less expensive solutions?
ANSWER: What model Land Rover do you have?
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QUESTION: It is a 1995 range rover 4.0
AnswerThat's what I thought. Heater cores almost never fail in those models. What fails are the o-ring seals where the coolant pipes enter the heater core. If the repair shop did not know that it's a sign they do not know Rovers adn may not be qualified to do this repair. A qualified and experienced technician should should need 2-3 hours and $5 of o-rings and some coolant for this fix.