QuestionI have read many of your answers and the one regarding carbon fouling is very close to the symptoms that my 1998 Land Rover Discovery is experiencing. The exception would be that the loss of power is happening exclusively when the car is first being started, on a hot day after making several stops I will restart the engine to have it rev very high while still in park then die altogether. The only way to get it to correct itself is to restart it immediately put it in drive and accelerate quickly. Otherwise it continues to die. Is it possible that it could be carbon fouling?
The car has 152,000 on it and we love it dearly. We have done what you would probably expect to do on a car with this many miles, fuel pump, brakes, rotors, u-joints.
My husband is of the mistaken impression that we can treat this as he would have treated a 67 impala getting ready for a demolition derby, so after much arguing I am going to ask this silly question. He thinks that it might be possible to drain the oil out, and pour diesel fuel into the engine block and run for 5 or 10 minutes to clean out the carbon. I think he is completely crazy. Your thoughts?
Also we are having a problem with the latch on the back door, I have to use the key each time I get into the door due to the lock spring. I read your response to the previous question and believe it is probably the same problem. My husband can fix this we just need the info.
Thank You
AnswerHi Nicole,
tell your husband to hold off on the diesel fuel oil flush. If you had a carbon fouling problem common to most LR engines, it is only with the exhaust side valves and only a valve job can fix that. (Approx. $2000)
What you describe could also be an engine management system (EMS) related problem. It could be crankshaft position sensor (CKP), vehicle speed sensor (VSS), mass air flow sensor (MAF), fuel regulator...these are the most common failures.
If it is carbon fouling, even a sever case, you'd have this problem all the time. Most notably on hot humid days, with a fully warmed up engine. A noticeable engine noise (ticking), lack of power, misfires and stalls. The exhaust valve, having the carbon buildup, are sticking and thus causing the misfire, ticking sounds and even stalls.
Does your engine misfire and stall or is it just difficult starts? Do you have a Check Engine light triggered? Engine misfires are common with sticking exhaust valves. MAF and VSS failures are more common and can give the same symptoms as you describe. I'd suspect its more the MAF as this affects your engine from cold start to warm engine restarts. Second best guess would be a tie between the CPS VSS
Consider having your engine analyzed by a shop with a Testbook. The Testbook should be able to detect the problem if the shop is able to duplicate the conditions. If you want to find an independent LR shop in your area, send me an email and I'll do my best to help you out.
As for the tail door problem, again send me an email and I'll respond with some techsheets for you and your husband. Make sure to use the subject title in your email. My email system ignores blank subject emails.
I hope this helps,
[email protected]