Land Rover Repair: shifting, replacing head gaskets, scan tool
QuestionHi John,
I just finished putting my 01 Disco II back together after replacing head gaskets. Now it is not shifting takes a long time to shift...I am wondering if I did not get a hose placed back correctly or could it be something else...we did not have any transmission problems prior to changing the gaskets so I am at a loss..thank you for any info you can provide.
AnswerI'm really not sure what to suggest. The transmission is all electronically controlled on your vehicle. There are no vacuum hoses to mess up. It stands to reason that the problem was created by the work if it was not there before, but I am really not sure what to suggest might be loose or wrong. Did you check the fluid level on a lift with the engine running? Did you connect a proper scan tool to the transmission to look at the live data as it shifts? Those would be the first steps after checking for anything obviously loose.