Land Rover Repair: Disco 03 Leaking Oil, shop database, 5k miles

Our disco (105K) began leaking oil and we had a local shop look at it, they tightened o-rings?  Now again after 5K miles, we are leaking again.  Should we pay the $$ and go to dealer for this? We do not live near a dealer (about 1.5hr) or do you know anyone in our area (lower Delaware)?

"Tightened o-rings" does not sound like much of a repair description.  If a shop told me that, I'd question their skill with rovers.

In any case, there are many sources of leakage on your truck, and it sounds like you've got more to fix.  I strongly suggest you find a specialist who's truly qualified with Rovers.  Maybe that's a dealer; maybe you can find a skilled independent.  General repair shops are often over their heads on these vehicles.

As to finding a shop . . . go to and look in their shop database

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John Elder Robison