Land Rover Repair: Disco II 2003 brake-related lights, wheel bearing, ship cars

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I have 2003 Disco II that has had a lot of repair over the past 2 years. This past summer, the rear brakes were done. Then in December, the 4 brake-related lights went on all at once and stayed on. My mechanic doesn't have the special brake diag computer to test the connection to the main board to know if it's the brake board. And in January, the front right wheel bearing had to be replaced... we thought that it may clear up the picture, but the lights came right back on.
So, we've been sucking it up and driving in the snow with no ABS (it's ok because we know how to drive w/o it), but I really don't know where to turn and my mechanic has done as much research as he can w/o spending $5k on a diag computer just for me.
Any ideas? I really don't want to visit the dealer.


The only answer is to find someone who has the proper diagnostic equipment.  For example, we at Robison Service have more diagnostic equipent than most dealers.  There are other independent LR specialists like us, but we are kind of rare.  

It all starts with a shop with proper tools and trained staff, wherever you find them

May I suggest you search Google, and also look at the shop list on  You could also phone Rovers North and Atlantic British, two big mail order parts suppliers, and ask if they know any capable shops near you.

I will say that people ship cars to us from quite a ways because reputable specialists are few and far between.  And a franchise is no guarantee that the technician you get will have the requisite skills.