Land Rover Repair: landrover discovery wiper failure, little bit of snow, cold days

hello, i am having trouble with my windshieldwipers. the dont work at all, we checked the fuse and it seams to be okay.
what else could it be????
i hope is not the motor. i live in kanada and we had some really cold days and we have lots of snow. one morning, there was just a little bit of snow on the windschield, i started the car, and turned the wipers on.....they moved a littel bit and than just stopped......and since then nothing moves.
i would like to save money to repair that.....any ideas what it is?

thank you......doreen

You should never run the wipers with snow on the windshield.  From your description, the most likely answer is that the motor has burnt out.  You can check the nuts at the base of the arms to make sure they are tight, and the next step is to check to see if there's power getting to the wiper motor, but that requires some disassembly.  A failed motor is the most likely answer.