Land Rover Repair: Lower camshaft bearing, camshaft bearings, economic climate

I own a 2004 L>R> Discovery with 79,000 mostly highway miles. Oil changed every 3,000 to 7,000.  Oil light came on at idle. Book said cause was rpm under 750 (it was 500).  Took in for check-up a LR Dealer.  They said one of the lower camshaft bearings had moved down (came out of block) causing a hole where oil went. Therefore, not enough pressure at low rpm. engine.  LR warranty people say it is too far out of warranty.  What would cause this to happen?  A defective engine? Car ran well when I took it noise or anything.   Thanks so much

That might be a result of a defect in the engine casting, but there is no way to know without complete teardown and analysis, and in any case, it does not matter.  The car is out of warranty, and it's pretty much as simple as that.

You can plead your case to the LR service rep but with today's economic climate I don't see them doing anything.  As I told someone else today, we fix issues like this all the time at Robison Service, but the cost is high, $7-12,000 in most cases.