I have a 1998 2.0 TCI Diesel Freelander. I did some repair work on the damaged cable of the window motor assemble of the luggage compartment door (5th door). After reinstallation of the window motor assembly the window was closed from the outside by using the key turning to the right in the key hatch. The key is released when window reaches the closed position. But then the window automatically lowers itself and gives a beep sound. When retry to close the window again using the key the window this time the following happened: The window slightly starts to move in the close direction but then opens up again and gives the beep sounds again.
Has this anything to do with resetting the window and or alarm? What has to be down to get this functioning properly again?
Hubert Wilson
AnswerHi Hubert,
sounds like you need to recalibrate the window position. Here's what I found:
When the CCU is changed from transit mode to a valid market mode, and after the vehicle battery has been disconnected, the tail door window must be calibrated to provide the CCU with a window position datum. When the CCU mode is changed to a valid market, or the battery reconnected, the CCU automatically begins the calibration process by energising the down contacts in the tail window lift relay until the window motor stalls, to ensure the window is fully down.
The calibration procedure is completed as follows:
1 Ensure the tail door is closed, the vehicle unlocked and the alarm disarmed.
2 On 3 door models, ensure the roof is on (hard back) or lowered and secured (soft back).
3 With the ignition on, use the console switch, or the vehicle key in the tail door lock, to raise the window until the motor stalls with the window fully closed.
4 Switch off the ignition.
If the calibration procedure is unsuccessful, the CCU will sound a warning for approximately 0.8 second and fully lower the window.
Tail door window calibration can fail for the following reasons:
Window stops before minimum travel is achieved.
Window does not achieve a stall.
Window request removed before stall is achieved.
Tail door opened while driving window up.
Best of luck,