Land Rover Repair: 97 Disco no fuel pressure - relay not energized, inertia switch, fuel pump relay
QuestionI have a 97 Discovery 4.0 SFI that ran fine yesterday (before being washed and waxed) but this morning refused to start. No fuel pressure. The fuel pump relay is not being energized by the ECU. Pulling the relay coil to ground turns on the fuel pump after which I can start the engine and things seem normal (did not try to drive it and only ran it briefly - only ABS light stayed on). Radio wants code (probably because I pulled fuses to check them). Any ideas?
AnswerIt sounds like the inertia switch tripped. Check the switch and let me know if this doesn't resolve your problem.
The ABS light will always stay on until you do about 4 mph.
You are right about the cause of the radio wanting the code. Call the local dealer to get your code if you don't have it.