Land Rover Repair: Cruise Control - 2002 Range Rover, vacuum unit, blown fuse

Dear Nigel,

This is my second question in a day.  I have laundry list of minor issues with this 2002 Range Rover with <60K miles.

I have to qualify that I was cognizant of all of these issues prior to purchase.  I feel the deal I got warranted some "projects".  For those who would like to know, I paid $13K US.

The cruise control does not work.  Upon popping the hood, the vacuum unit has fallen off its harness and is just wedged into place.  All wiring is connected, and there doesn't seem to be anything else wrong.  The unit just fell off because the rubber shock absorbers are severed.

I question whether the disjointed vacuum unit is the problem.  It could be.  However, there are some other issues that suggest electrical problems:

There is a twitching noise that occurs intermittently when driving; regardless of if the cruise is turned on.  When I do turn the cruise on, and press the RES button on the steering wheel, a twitching noise comes from a similar area.  This area is to the left of the steering wheel.  The twitches are faintly different in sound.

Lastly, the horn does not work.  I have visually inspected all the fuses.  Visually, there is no indication of a blown fuse.

Any insight will be appreciated.

Thank you again in advance,

90% of cruise control failures are due to rotted hoses from the vacuum diaphraghm to either the vacuum pump or the brake switch assembly.  I would properly mount the vacuum unit and check the hoses.

For your problem with the horn, I would check for continuity to the horn relay in the engine compartment fusebox.  It is a four-prong small yellow relay.  These relays do fail on a regular basis.  Both horns (high and low) also routinely fail.  If the relay is not the problem, it is probably one or both horns.

I don't really understand the bit about the twitching noise.  It sounds like something I would have to see to diagnose.

Hope this helps.