Land Rover Repair: Disco stalls when going through mud water and even car wash., crank sensor, dicovery
QuestionQUESTION: Hey Nigel,
My dicovery has been stalling when the undercarriage gets wet. I have heard that this could be because the cam and/or crank sensors are getting wet. Have you heard of this? Or do you know what it could be? I need to fix this problem because I offroad my landy all of the time I miss getting in the mud. please help, and your input is much appreciated.
Thanks alot, Jared
ANSWER: I would replace the crank sensor and make sure the splash guards are intact and secure.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Nigel,
I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. I have recently had my crank sensor replaced by my Land Rover mechanic. He had to drop the tranny and that isn't cheap. So I'm assuming it isn't a bad sensor. Where are the splash guards? Are they on the bell housing? Can I seal the transmission? Thanks a million Nigel, Jared
AnswerI need to know if this is a Discovery I or Discovery II. There are vast differences between the two. Also, I assume that it is a petrol engine and not a diesel, but if I am wrong, please correct me. I will note, however, that you don't need to drop the transmission to change the crank sensor on either. Please get back to me and I will advise.