Land Rover Repair: catalytic converter, muffler shop, catalyic converter
QuestionHi Nigel, thanks for helping us all out. I have a 1999 Range Rover 4.6 HSE with the bosch engine. I have been noticing some problems with my Range Rover. First of all i can hear a rateling/ticking noise when the engine is at idle. My mechanic told me it need it a new catalytic converter. I have not yet bought one because im still a little confused of what is the difference between a catlytic converter and an exhaust system. If i buy an exhaust system will it have the catalytic converter, or is that totaly different? Because i was also thinking of buying an exhaust system. Also sometimes in fact most of the time when i come to a stop and then accelerate again it takes a couple of seconds for the car to move(you can hear the engine accelerate but it takes about a 2 seconds to move,like the gears don't respond right away). Also sometimes (rarely) when a come to a complete stop the engine just dies and i have to turn it on again. Any ideas? Do you think all this has to do with the catalytic converter? Thanks!!!!
AnswerThe catalytic converter is part of the exhaust system, but you would have to check with the place you are buying the exhaust system from to see if what they are selling includes the catalytic converter. The ticking noise you describe may indeed be the catalytic converter. I would take the car to a muffler shop and have them look at the catalyic converter and the exhaust system.
As to the lag between acceleration and the car moving, I would do a transmission service (replace transmission fluid and filter).
Finally, I cannot really diagnose the stalling without looking at the car and checking the diagnostic codes. It sounds like the car could use a good service.