QuestionCan you recommend an independent Land Rover "second-opinion appraiser"
in or near Miami Florida? The dealership here has a well deserved horrible
reputation. Our 2003 low mileage Freelander has a cylinder head leak. The
dealer wants $875 to strip the engine down to see if the cylinder needs
replacing, and nearly $9000 more to replace it if it's cracked. (Cracked is not
covered by extended warranty.) We need an independent qualified expert to
tell us whether the cylinder needs replacing, whether the needed repairs are
covered by our warranty, and fair price for parts and labor. Would you
comment on the prices of $875 to strip down the engine and $9000 to
replace the cylinder (includes labor, parts, bolts)? and could you point us to
an independent 2nd opinion insurance adjuster? and third, can you
recommend an authorized Land Rover repair shop in South Florida? The only
good independent mechanic we know does not have the tools required to do
the job. thanks so much.
AnswerUsually those Freelander leaks stem from block failure, the $9000 problem the dealer told you about. The cost and time to strip it and see sounds right, but I would add that you may strip it and not be able to see a failur eeven then
That is the problem. If you see slipped liners, you KNOW you have block failure. But the liner failure may be invisible. So the $875 teardown may not reveal anything conclusive.
As to the warranty . . . usually the contract speels out what they cover. Failed liners in the engine block may or may not be covered.
Finally, there is the question of getting an engine. At this moment, the new motors are backordered, and used engines are probably going to fail just like this one