Land Rover Repair: 2001 Discoery II electrical- seat and horn, srs airbag, discoery

Hi John

My 2001 Discovery II keeps blowing the 40Afuse under the driver's seat if I touch any of the seat adjustment controls.  My horn is also spontaneously honking and can only be stopped by removing the fuse. The horn honking seems to be linked to turning the steering wheel hard left.

Any ideas?  Thanks very much for your time


The horn problem may be a spool or wiring issue in the steering column.  The seat fuse may blow as a result of chafed wires under the seat.

Those are my two first guesses - I would take those things apart, look, and decide where to go from there.

Note that you will need a t4 or autologic system to clear the srs airbag fault light after you take apart the steering column