Land Rover Repair: 99 range rover overheating / check engine light, range rover, water pump

99 Range Rover 4.0, petro - Truck has overheated a few times. The mechanics couldnt find anything wrong.  Dealer wanted $3k just to check the engine.  I have it parked but really need to get it repaired.  The check engine light now comes on.  Everything points to a headgasket issue???  Why would the check engine light come now ?

Hi Ricardo,

could be headgasket (common problem), radiator, water pump, heater matrix, air blockage...

Best of have an independent LR mechanic check it out.  Dealer wanting $3000 just to inspect is a shame.

Send me an email and I'll try to find a LR mechanic near you.  If not, I'd suggest you try some reputable rad shops.  They should be able to tell you if your headgasket is blown or if the rad is at fault.  Pressure testing usually reveals this.

Best of luck,

[email protected]