Land Rover Repair: Hi, 2001 range rover 4.6 hse, land rover specialists, stearing wheel
Questionhi , i have a clonking noise coming out of the drive when i shift from D to R or R to D or when the first second the car move i hear the clonk noise and it disapear and also when i turn the stearing wheel right or left and move again i will hear the noise once the first second i move and the land rover specialists checked the problem and told me that its the chain/transfer case and also said its a common problem on p38 and he also said if i want to replace the transfer case with new one the noise will come back again after 10000 miles. do you think that is the problem and what he said is true?
AnswerI have no idea if the diagnosis you've bene offered is right. There's no way to tell without seeing your truck. I can tell you this: If the shop tells you that the noise will come back in 10,000 miles if they fix it, that shop should not be working on Rovers.