Land Rover Repair: 96 range rover 4.0 hse, airspring, massege
QuestionQUESTION: hi i am in the usa, When driving my message center says not to exceed 35mph. But the truck drives fine.changes gears fine and gives no other signs of trouble.
ANSWER: you may have a coil conversion (airspring removal) that did not override the warning message.
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QUESTION: first thank you for the time you give to up us out.yes it does have springs on it I got the range about 2 months ago,the massege only come on about a week ago.Do you still think that will work and have you any idea what may of caused it to give massege now.I did take it to have new tires fitted just before massege come up.
AnswerOdds are whoever put in coils didn't override the message and left everything else as-is. fitting tires may have shaken it up enought that the ECU realized the system wasn't working. following the link will override the message and prevent what remains of the systme from doing anything.