Land Rover Repair: brake clunking/metallic sound 99 Disco, mounting bolt, metallic sound
QuestionHi, I have a 99 Disco I that just recently starting making a loud clunking/metalic sound when I step on the breaks although not at all times. In addition, it started having problems breaking (it just don't break as easily as it used to). When it makes the clunking sound, I can even feel it on my foot on the break pedal. Could it be a caliper, master cylinder?
AnswerHi Luis,
if you hear the brakes it has to be bad. If could be a loose caliper, badly worn rotors or pads. Best to have it inspected by a local brake specialist - some do this for free.
By the description you've given, it sounds more likely to be the pads or caliper. Its possible that a caliper mounting bolt could have worked itself loose.
Get this checked as soon as you can.