Land Rover Repair: temp gauge red light, intake manifold gasket, car wont start

I have a 2003 discovery 4.6 .. coolant developed on rear of intake manifold gasket .. replaced gasket and since then the red light on dash for hot engine stays on .. heat gauge dosent climb checked temp guage connection ok wont start after shut off hot  .. plugs are flooded ... seems to idle high .... ? got any ideas ?

.. plugs are flooded ...

with water or gas???  

water-sounds like the new intake gasket isn't sealing right, they are easy to fold over when re-installing and will cause significant problems.

gas- you probably have an air bubble in the cooling system.  Park it with the nose up hill, then idle for a while with the reservoir cap off to work the air out of the system.  The hot running will make the ECU think it's lean, so more gas will be dumped in to help richen/cool the engine.