Land Rover Repair: 00 Disco water in the dash and leaks, water ingress, coolant system

I have a discovery II, year 2000.  Over the past 6  months or so, I have heard what sounds like water accumulation in the dashboard.  I can hear it most particuliarly when I make turns.  It sounds like rushing water in the dash.  Any ideas on how to alleviate the issue?
Second.  I also have a recurrent leak on that deposits water on the driver side of the vehicle.  It encompasses the interior roof top to the floorboard.  Any reasons or specualtions as to why?  Thanks

Hi Deryl,

1st problem sounds like the heater matrix within the coolant system has failed.  Usual fix is replacement of unit,  you could try to flush and replace coolant But most often the matrix is lost.

Water ingress can come from corner posts (frame) and leak into footwell area.  Most LR dealerships know of this and should be able to fix it.  Also windshield can leak - reseal can fix this.

