Yesterday I got out of my Range and used the remote key pad to close the truck up (windows, sunroof, locks), I noticed that the truck did not double beep to let me know that it went into superlock mode; the truck did however lock. When I went to try to unlock the door, I was unable to regain access inside of the truck. I though maybe my remote battery had failed so I immediately purchased a new battery. To no avail have I been able to regain access to the truck. Please help! what could possibly be wrong.
Thank you.
AnswerHi Parris,
not sure what happened here but let's try a few things:
Could be a combo of keyfob low battery and a failed resync with new battery.
If you are in the UK, you could refer to your owners manual and try the EKA procedure. If you are in the US, there is an unofficial procedure (Land Rover dealers only)
It has been said that a 2000 Range Rover owner had his vehicle stranded with a dead battery and no remote available. When the vehicle was jumpered, it gave the message "Engine Disabled, Press Remote". Not having a remote, he managed to reactivate the vehicle using a variant of the UK EKA procedure that a dealer gave him.
Using just your key, procedure was done on drivers door:
Unlock once
lock 5 times,
unlock once,
and then lock 5 times.
A few owners who have experienced a similar problem like yours have done the following to get their remotes resync'd:
"Close the car. Insert the new remote in the drivers side lock pressing and holding the button with the lock symbol. Turn the key to the right as if locking, still holding the lock button down. Hold in this position for 3 seconds. Turn back to the centre position and pull the key out - STILL HOLDING THE KEY BUTTON. Once the key is out release the lock button."
I hope one of these procedures helps. Try the resync procedure first. If it does not work, try either the UK EKA (if you live outside N.America) or the above variation if you are here in N.America.
Best of luck,