QuestionI just priced the Land Rover 60k/65k dealer service at $850 plus tax. Is this necessary and is there a more economical option in preventative care for my 03 Freelander (i.e. get most necessary services done a la
carte at best prices, etc.)? Keep in mind I guess it is about time for the timing belt replacement huh?
AnswerThe timing belt comes later, and it's a full-day job which will probably cost about twice what you just quoted.
Land Rover has devised a schedule that you should follow to preserve your vehicle. As it happens this particular step in the plan has a high cost.
I hesitate to suggest any alternative to the dealer because so often that means the required services are not done at all, or not done right.
A capable independent shop, if you could find one, might be able to save you some money. I think putting the work off will just cause it to build up because as you point out the timing belt job is coming soon too.