Land Rover Repair: 98 Range Rover 4.6 HSE EAS Fault, oring kits, airline connections
QuestionHi, I was driving down the freeway and after the EAS adjusted for higher speed,it suddenly raised to Normal height and displayed an EAS Fault message. In my reading thru the Range Rover forums, it didn't do a bump-stop on EAS nor did it give me the speed limit warning. After this I parked the Rover and one day the rear was lowered. I started it and it raised back to the Normal riding height. I believe it to be the EAS relay that has taken a dive. Can you please advise on how to diagnose the correct problem and where to find the replacement parts?
AnswerThis is most likely a leak. The rear sinking down means the compressor has to work overtime to maintain height, if it cannot maintain height you will get a soft fault (no "slow: 35mph" warning) and it will go to normal height. the bags can leak at different rates at different heights, so your rear springs may be leaking more at highway mode height.
You can check the valve block and spring, particularly the airline connections with some soapy water, if air is leaking it will bubble up at the leak.
I have oring kits and replacement springs in my online store