Land Rover Repair: 2000 Landrover Dico II Differential, shaft seals, wheel hub
QuestionMy 2000 Landrover Differencial has a leak and now seems to be traveling through the housing out of the wheel hub.
There is gear oil now leaking aroud the rear differencial and the rear passenger wheel.
Is there a repait kit for this .... ?
AnswerThere are 3 seals in the axle, I don't know of anyone that makes an "axle kit" but the seals are all available from the major parts houses.
The 3rd member to axle housing seal is a sealant, not a specific seal. if that is what's leaking you will need to pull both half-shafts and the diferentail assembly to clean and re-seal. The half-shaft seals are easy to replace while the shaft is out (at the hub).
The pinion seal will affect pinion pre-load and should be done by a specialist.