Land Rover Repair: 2001 Discovery TD5 brake problems, caliper pistons, brake calipers

Hi, I have recently purchased a a Disocvery and have a break problem I wondered if you could help me with. When the car is on mud, sand or gravel the brakes are shocking. Abs light illuminates on start but goes out when supposed to.  On normal road surface perfect !?!?!? On starting the car there is a small grinding sound which i thought might be the front discs being worn so had front and back disks and pads replaced. Still got the noise and the bad performace on any surface other than tarmac. The manual states that you should feel a light pulsing of the break pedal when the ABS kicks in but it feels like the wheels are going to come off and the car only justs stops. The car is in Itlay and as my Italian is not perfect its difficult to explain to the local dealer what the problem is, forwarned is forarmed ! They are very fair price wise here at 50euros an hour rather than £100 back in the uk ! Parts are exensive though ! THanks in advance for your help.

Hi Jonathan,

May be a brake caliper problem.  Perhaps pistons are seizing. The grinding sound could be pads on your discs and indicates calipers may need attention.  Possible rust in caliper chamber causing caliper pistons not to retract properly.  

You'll have to remove the brake calipers and have them inspected/tested.  You can have most general mechanics perform this as they are all familiar with disc brake mechanisms and repairs.  Rebuilding calipers saves more money that replacements, with rebuild kits available at most LR dealerships.

Best of luck,
