Land Rover Repair: wont start clicks, starter solenoid, fuse box
QuestionHi, I have a serious problem my 97 range Rover 4.0 was running fine I stopped at Home depot came out it wouldnt start said transfer neutral I got it out of that. and now it wont start everything seems to be working fine electroniclly all i hear is clicking from under the seat and i can also hear it in the under hood fuse box i have check every fuse changed the battery and have tried the eka generic code 1/5/1/5 I have no idea what to do. and really can not affored a deal bill at this time. please help me
AnswerYou can try banging the starter, and you can check for power at the starter solenoid wire. If there is no power, you are going to get into electrical troubleshooting in the dash.
That's the point where I would employ a pro, because they can hook the test system up and read many of the things you would spend hours to try and test with no certain result.