Land Rover Repair: 1998 Disco failure to downshift automatically, dimension c, locknuts

My Disco is not downshifting when climbing hills.  Mountains, really, since we live at 7200 ft elv.  I can downshift myself, so the local repair guys said it was ok to continue driving my truck.  They ran a diagnostic and said it was a computer problem that would have to go to the dealer.  (?)  Is this a chip that can be reset, or is it a transmission problem?  Please help.

I don't know what kind of diagnosis your local garage did, because there is no computer control for a 1998 Disco gearbox.  There are no electronics in the transmission controls for that vehicle.

I will start with the assumption that you have clean fluid and the level is correct.  Right??

The only external thing you can do is check the kickdown cable adjustment.  The workshop manual has pictures and instructions for how to do that.  Here are the words that describe adjusting the lever on the side of the gearbox:

1.   Remove split pin, withdraw clevis pin and disconnect kickdown cable from lever.
2.   Remove split pin, withdraw clevis pin and disconnect throttle cable from lever.
3.   Adjust the position of the kickdown cable locknuts so that dimension ’A’ is 28 mm. With cable held in this position, there should be 6 threads exposed to the rear of the bracket, (dimension ’B’).
4.   Tighten both locknuts Connect the kickdown cable to the lever and secure with clevis pin and split pin.
5.   Connect the throttle cable to the lever and secure with clevis pin and split pin.
6.   Pull back the rubber boot on the kickdown cable until the crimped nipple is visible.
7.   Rotate the knurled plug on the throttle cable until the crimped nipple is 1 mm from the end of the threads, (dimension ’C’).
8.   Refit the rubber boot.

If that does not fix it, you have an internal transmission problem.