Land Rover Repair: EAS warning message erasing., obdii, ecu
QuestionHello, I tried to erase the "35 mph" warning message, making two jumpers from ECU connetor to Ecu pins ( 7 to 18 and 25 to 1) but it hasn´t work, the message is still there, can You help me to erase it?, What do I should do?
I´m in Asunción Paraguay
Wilfred Alvarez.
Answerthe jumpers are on the wiring side of the plug, not the ECU itself. They also don't clear the fault in the ECU, just fool the rest of the car into thinking the ECU is OK. You have to leave the ECU un-plugged, so you do not have normal operation of the EAS. If you have a coil conversion this is not a problem. If you still have airsprings and are trying to get it functioning again you need to find a shop with a LR specific diagnostic tool and have them clear the codes. A standard OBDII tool will not work.