Land Rover Repair: Idle or lack of, catalytic converters, serpentine belt
QuestionMy 97 discovery sometimes idles at 7gs occasionally above 10gs but has gotten into the habit of not wanting to idle at all and I have to ride the brake and gas coming to a complete stop or slow sharp turn. Plugs and wires, serpentine belt are newer. Catalytic converters are about two years old. I have received a couple of theories...plugged injectors, clogged converters, or oxygen modulator. No one in this area has complete diagnositcs.
AnswerAny of the things you suggest are expensive guesses.
I suggest you find someone with proper Land Rover diagnostic skill and tools. Otherwise, you're in for a costly process of throwing parts at the problem.
My best suggestion is to look on at their list of Land Rover repair shops. Perhaps there's someone closer than you realize . . .
Good luck.