Land Rover Repair: 94 v8i Landrover, cylinder head gasket, headgasket
QuestionWe recently had our valley cover replaced because it was leaking and our mechanic told us that he noticed a "slight weep from rear of cylinder head gasket" and he told us that it was a minor problem and not to worry about it. We have also just replaced the water pump because of a squealing noise. Is our mechanic right or does it mean we have a head gasket on its way out? Thanks
AnswerHi Jessie,
it is quite possible that the headgasket will eventually need replacing. Very common for older Disco's. Sounds like you have a good mechanic that looks out for your best interest. Depending on how you drive, it could last many miles. You could wait awhile but consequence of failed headgasket could be minor (towing and new headgasket) to major (engine ruined - cylinder sleeve dropped).
It's your choice. For some, it may not be affordable right away - if you drive carefully and don't overheat your engine, you could go for sometime without needing this fixed.
Best of luck,
NB: Hold onto that mechanic. If he's not pressuring you to have the headgasket done right away, ask him how long before he thinks it should be replaced.