Land Rover Repair: discovery issues, john robison, charging system
Questionhello, 4th of july weekend i replaced the battery in my 2003 LR Discovery. a couple weeks ago the battery light came on. it's been a little sluggish. last week i had the battery replaced again. last night i came to a stop at a stop sign then the car acted as though i had it in nuetral-it wouldn't move forward (it would, however, move backward). i turned off the car to restart it and it wouldn't restart and i had to get it jumped. i looked at the brand new battery and it has red fluid around both terminals.
AnswerThe red fluid around the terminals is probably an anti- corrosion spray put there by the battery installer.
The battery light, if on, does not mean the battery is bad. It means your charging system is not working right. That could be a failing alternator, or a wiring problem, or a slipping belt, or something else. I'd suggest you check it out right away. There should not be any need to change the battery again.
Good luck,
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John Robison