QuestionI originally took this to the dealer and they told me that the SLABS ECU needed replacement and it would solve the problem. The next day the lights came back on and this time they said that the ABS Modulator shuttle valve switch needed replacement. Once again they are on but now it is the ABS Modulator. Is this a normal progression for fixing this problem or is the dealership blindly changing parts hoping that I continue to pay? Due I have any way of knowing that they are telling the truth because the local mechanics dont have the technology to diagnose because of the new SLABS ECU. Seems pretty convenient to me.
AnswerIf your SLABS ECU failed entirely (it happens) it would not be possible for the dealer to proceed with diagnosis until it were replaced. At that point, they certainly might discover problem #2, which was hidden before because the control unit was dead.
Land Rover has a procedure where we replace the switches in the modulator's shuttle valve to address shuttle valve faults. That fixes 90% of modulator problems. The remaining 10% need a modulator.
So, yes, ABS repair can play out like you describe, and it can be costly. There is nothing "trick or convenient" to this - anyone is free to pay the price and buy the tools to disgnose these issues. You certainly can't blame your dealer because none of the independent shops around you choose to properly equip themselves.
You might find it helpful to read two articles on my web site, one about selecting a repair shop and the other about the Land Rover test systems. Go to > service > land rover > robison on rovers articles.
There is also an article on ABS problems there.
So are they guessing or playing it straight? I have no way of knowing. But I do know it could play out just as you say, with them doing all the right things. Sometimes you just have bad luck.
If you would feel better getting a second opinion try the shop index at - maybe there is a properly equipped shop near you.
Good luck,
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John Robison