Land Rover Repair: Clicking, john robison, transfer case

ok i have a 2001 range rover. and one day i felt something loose while i took off. but because it kept on driving fine i didnt pay it any attention. after a while it started clicking when i acelerated a little fast at about 45 mph. then it wuld progressively get worse. now if i try to accelerate at more than like 5mph a sec then it clicks. what i mean is that if the car tries to accelerate then it clicks from under and wont accelerate so that the only way is to take 10 min to reach 45 mph. and it wont do hills. my friend said something bout a transfer case but he didnt know what it was he just heard it from some guy at the range rover place, can u tell me what that is.

It sounds like the chain inside your transfer case may be slipping.  You can take the case out, take it apart and change the chain, or you can fit a used case.  Expect a repair bill of $1500-2500 most places in the USA

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John Robison