Land Rover Repair: Land Rover Discovery 96 transmission issue, land rover discovery, fly wheel

Hi- Just purchased a Discovery! Very happy with it at first but now not so much since my transmission is not working properly.  What start at first was that when I put it in gear "D" 1st,2nd,or 3rd as if it was in neutral.  Put it into park-reved the engine to about 4000 rpm's then "D"rive-no problem. Ran just fine.  taken it into the mountains, camping etc.  once it got started-no issues with changing gears or anything. Automatic trans- problem started happening more often. but rev engine high rpm's and then it would drive.  Now it will only work in "R"everse.  Drive no go-1st, 2nd, 3rd no go!! flushed the trans fluid and refilled it.  Same shit! is there maybe some sensor or something i'm missing? I can't understand why a transmission can just go out like that-but still work in reverse?  maybe a fly wheel is out or a range position sensor if it has one? Please help!

I'm sorry to say you need a transmission overhaul.  There is no external cause for your problem.  It is common for the forward 1st clutch to fail, leaving you a car that goes backwards but won't go forward.

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John Robison