Land Rover Repair: Alternator/alternator belt(s), alternator belt, autozone
I recently replaced my alternator on my 1991 Rangge Rover (Great Divide Edition). For some reason or another, the belt that is supposed to be used does not make the alternato spin fast enough for the alternator to produce the A/C current to put the battery above 14 volts like it should. I have had to resort to using a belt #13260 which is smaller than the belt that is called for. Wondering what I should do. Replacing a belt ever X amount of mile is really becoming quite bothersome, but cheaper than replacing a battery or an alternator. One other quick question, an Autozone employee told me today he thought that it looked like the front of the alternator was kind of angled toward the center of the car but the alternator can only be placed back into the car one way. Is there any way that I may not have put the correct amount of washers or nuts back on the correct bot for the bottom bolts that hold the alternator in its correct place? PLEASE HELP ASAP, my job currently depends on this truck getting me to and fro.
Jackson Kavanagh
AnswerThe length of the alternator belt has no eeffect on how fast it spins. If you need a smaller belt than the correect one there's something wrong with the way you've mounted the alternator.
The Auto Zone employee's statement that it's crooked seems to confirm that.
Off price rebuilt alternators rarely work on Rover Classics like yours. At our shop, all we use are genuine alternators for that reason.