Land Rover Repair: 1994 Discovery 3.9L overheating, radiator grille, discovery 3

I have an overheating problem. At idle the disco stays around normal temp, but once I get on the highway the temperature starts to creep up until it boils out of the expansion tank. What do you suggest I do?

Hola Ernesto!

I've had some recent experience with this on my '95 Disco.  

It could be your thermostat that is seized or a blockage of some sort in your cooling system.  It could be within the radiator, the heater matrix or the engine.  

Changing the thermostat is usually the first step in this sort of problem.  

Once the thermostat is replaced, run your vehicle as normal.  If it still overheats, it could be a fouled radiator that needs replacing.  To test for this you would look for corrosion on the outside, radiator grille damage (breaks up with a slight touch) or a pressure test.

Pressure test the engine side as well...could be a blockage that would have to be flushed out.

So, start by replacing the thermostat, then move to test the rad and if all is still ok, pressure testing the cooling system within the engine.

Best of luck,
