Land Rover Repair: Discovery I Fuel pump issue, brian hartman, older models

Hi John,

I do as much work on my rover as possible (which isn't really much, because its too technical and time consuming) but, since I bought it 4 years ago, i've had the fuel pump replaced twic and now it needs it again. Its a 97 Disco I SE. It is getting a little frustrating so I'm going to do the jop myself this time to save some money and because I generally like reparing things anyway.

My main question is this:
A parts guy at british atlantic mentioned that I could have a ground fault that is causing the pump to burn out sooner than it normally would, if that is the case how would I test for something like a ground fault which could be anywhere in the car? I should also note that when I bought the car I put a stereo in myself and in figuring out LR's wiring craziness I may have caused something to short. So anyway, do you have any insight as to what might be causing the pump to burn out every year and 1/2?

When I go to replace the pump what is the best way to get all the gas safely out of the tank? I'm a little paranoid with opening the top of the tank with any gas in it at all. The slighest spark could ignite it. Should I wear a static braclet connected to the chasis like computer techs do, so that I don't have a static charge?

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.


Brian Hartman

Ground problems won't be "anywhere."  There are some specific places you should look.

1 - the connector at the pump (top of gas tank) corrodes
2 - older models have a connector and earth on the left frame rail, by the back tire
3 - check all the engine to body grounds and the grounds behind the battery
4 - make sure the battery terminals themselves are clean

The biggest problem is deterioration at the fuel pump connector.

With this info you can hopefully track it down