Land Rover Repair: 1998 Range Rover Window Failure, electrical control unit, rear windows
Question1998 Range Rover
I was driving a friends range rover for the weekend and when the owner returned, he called to say the windows weren't working. All the controls in the center console (ie. front and rear windows on both sides, the sunroof, and the side mirrors) are not working. We are going to try and replace the fuses but other than that, we have no idea what could've happened. Is there a window control unit on this model of rovers?
AnswerNo, there are all controlled by the body electrical control unit.
Have you checked the front-right seat's side fuses?
If yes and there all the fuse are ok, than check the centre panel's connector. (open the elbowsupport, dismount the 2 screws then the panel. Check the blue connector.