Land Rover Repair: 97 land rover a/c comp clutch, compressor clutch, c comp

Hi John,

My 1997 Range Rover a/c works for about 15 minutes then the compressor clutch cuts out and won't engage.  I can temporarily fix the problem by tapping the clutch face with a wrench - then the clutch re-engages and the a/c works for about 15 more minutes.  I have cleaned and lubricated the clutch but it still doesn't always work.  I have also cleaned the electrical connections to the clutch.  What can I do?  Is there some way to strengthen the pull of the electromagnet in the clutch?  If not, do I need to replace the clutch, and what would that entail?


Remove the nut in the center and withdraw the clutch hub. Remove the spacing shims and your clutch will be 10 or so thousandths tighter.  That's all the difference you need most of the time.

If the shims are all gone grind 10 thousandths off the end of the clutch hub for the same result.