Land Rover Repair: ABS, TC, HDC lights Disco II, audible notification, traction control

I have 01 disco II, 55K miles and in great shape.  Every so often while just driving down the road three dash lights come on and I get the audible notification of an error (ding, ding, ding).  The three lights are the Traction Control, ABS, and Hill decent control lights.  It still drives just fine and after the next time i restart it, the lights are gone, until the next time.  This can be a few minutes or weeks in between occurrences.  

I called the dealer a couple times and after some head scratching, they said there was nothing to worry about.


so your dealer suggested that you should ignore it?  

This is a common problem with LR and you should not stop complaining about it.  Repairing this problem 'out of warranty' will cost you plenty, so if you're still under warranty...get it fixed quick!  

One owner call head office LRNA and was told, they never heard of the problem and he should contact his local dealership.  IF EVERY owner who asks me this question would contact LRNA, I'm sure they'd stop scratching themselves and fix this problem.  Trouble is, there are so many reasons why the '3 amigos' come calling that they don't know where to start.

IF you are not under warranty, you could still raise your voice and complain about this problem.  Mind you, if you try to repair this, it will cost you big bucks.  Perhaps this is why the stealership said to ignore it.  

Since it's all related to the ABS and suspension controls, without it, you've lost perhaps the major reason/feature that influenced your original purchase.  You could probably get along without it will little or no risk to you, but why should you?  SUV's are prone to rollover's and this may have been one feature to reduce this.  

Contact LRNA and voice you concerns.  They have to change their current business decision and learn to address the concerns of LR owners.

Best of luck,
